Prix Fixe Urban Design

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Development projects of any scale don’t measure their success in year one or two. In truth, it often takes five, ten or sometimes twenty years to truly see the value. That’s why we’ve always focused relentlessly on long-term solutions, and where we are headed for the next generation. Any developer or city has to have that context, in order to make wise short-term decisions. Quick, decisive action is critical, but it must not deter from the bigger picture and long-term value creation.

K2 Urban Design offers practical, implementable and visionary ideas for the next generation of development.

And, we should add, affordable and quick.

K2 developed the “prix fixe” approach noted below to address common problems we’ve seen throughout the years. As client and consultant, we shouldn’t need to have an endless back and forth on fees and scope. We know our costs, and you know your needs. This solution allows us to meet in the middle, and move decisively forward.

Design creates value. Let us show you how, on your project or plan.

If you're interested in talking with us about your project, please contact us from this site. You can view some recent projects here and snapshots from our larger portfolio at the bottom.

Click on the image to download the document as a printable .pdf file.

Some recent projects

Downtown Savannah 2033 Plan

Downtown Savannah 2033 Plan

Downtown Savannah Housing Affordability Proposal

Downtown Savannah Housing Affordability Proposal

Paradise Park Neighborhood and Park Plan

Paradise Park Neighborhood and Park Plan

Various Master Plans and Form-Based Code Projects

Various Master Plans and Form-Based Code Projects

Various Site Studies

Various Site Studies


A few of the places where I’ve worked with clients